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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
GSP5109 Advanced Seminar in Policy Science 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
This seminar is designed to help students identify, develop, integrate, and utilize policy-relevant knowledge in the policy sciences. For the purpose, the seminar reviews critically the core literature of the policy sciences with the special focuses on its ideals, objectives, paradigms, conceptual frameworks, ethical nature, epistemological foundations, methodological problems, and political implications. This seminar also encourages students to elaborate, integrate, and apply policy-relevant theories creatively for their intellectual, professional, and practical policy purposes.
GSP5110 Public Administration 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course is designed to help students understand the historical and philosophical context of puclic administration and governance;improve research skills and practical insights; and explore one's specific field of research and/or experise. The course will cover the current issues in the field of bureaucracy, organization theory, human resources managemant, public policy, public budgeting and finance, conflict managemant, e-Gov, etc.
GSP5116 Social Capital and Public Policy 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course deals with various topics like formation and evolution of the civil society, realtion between modern states and the civil cociety, transformation of the civil society etc. Based on a general understanding of the civil society, it also discusses related topics in Korean context.
GSP5124 Managing the Project Cycle for Sustainable Development 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The focus of the course is management of innovation processes for sustainable local development. By Focusing on the sustainability, we will develop an in depth practical understanding of the techniques and challenges involved in tracking the status and trends of domestic and international sustainable development policies.
GSP5128 e-policy & e-government: Implementation & Practice 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course aims to provide the logic of policy response to the realistic situation of social problems. The course deals with theory, techniques, and cases of policy formulation process divided into problem recognition, agenda setting, policy goals, alternatives selection, and implementation strategy. The emphasis is also put on the policy formulation system of Korean government.
GSP5129 e-government: colloquium 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
e-Government Colloquium deals with various theories and policy dimension of e-Government. In this Colloquium each student is required to analyze the e-Government related case in his/her own country with comparative perspectives of Korean Cases.
GSP5130 e-policy colloquium 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
e-Policy Colloquium deals with various theories and policy dimension of e-Policy. In this Colloquium each student is required to analyze the e-Policy related case in his/her own country with comparative perspectives of Korean Cases.
GSP5132 Old-aged and Public Policy 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
Recent days, Korea faces the lowest birth rate among the OECD countries and the aging proportion rapidly increases in the nation. Such a demographic change demands new policy responses in social security areas including medicare and pension services. Above all these old-aged people are likely to cast their votes to influence politicians to make policy in favor of their interests. This course deals with social policy issues rising from the aging population and its participation in policy making process as strong policy stakeholders.
GSP5147 Human Services and Organization Design 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This is a seminar course on public service. Particulary, it focuses on the human services and considers organization design issues. First, it surveys the concept and historical development of the human services. Second, it considers several alternatives on service delivery, including ministerial agency, executive agency, public agency, contracting-out, civic service, and the integrated service agency.
GSP5151 Conflict and Collaboration Seminar 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
The implementation of public policy and programs by a single hierarchical agency, or even exclusively by governments, is rare. Instead, services more often delivered through networks of public agencies, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, quasi-governmental organizations, and citizen groups. These arrangements require significant coordination and cooperation across sectors that often approach policy problems and solutions from very different perspectives. Obviously, this provides opportunities and poses challenges for the individuals that manage these organizations. This course will explore the obstacles that managers face when they attempt to administer public programs in cooperation with other organizations and stakeholders, as well as the strategies that they employ to maintain and grow their own organizations while simultaneously ensuring program success. The course will approach these questions from the perspective of both public and nonprofit managers. This approach is designed to give students a more comprehensive understanding of modern governance by investigating the roles of the public and nonprofit sectors in that enterprise simultaneously.
GSP5152 Exercise in Governance 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This course aims to enhance the qualification, insights and reasoning ability of high-ranking public officials in accordance with the governance paradigm. It also intends to help them improve the understanding of operating principles of the government and keen policy issues. The course adopts various and creative methods of learning including case studies, role plays and group discussion on enrichment assignments on stylized policy cases to develop creative problem-solving skills and accumulate work knowledge
GSP5153 East Asian Philosophies and Public Administration 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
Public administration and policy phenomena should be understood under the philosophical, ideological and ethical contexts. But we have neglected our sincere efforts to understand the philosophical, ideological and ethical contexts originating from Korean and East Asian traditions. This course plans to help graduate students understand Korean and East-Asian philosophies, thoughts, ideologies and ethics. We hope that the course contribute to developing mid-range theories and frameworks which are appropriate in the Korean contexts and environments.
GSP5164 Immigration Policy in A Multicultural Society 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 - No
This seminar attempts to analyze the increasing migration trend of human capital under the discourse of globalization since the 1990s and the consequent multicultural society, and a series of public policies on immigration across countries. Since the introduction of the Industrial Trainee system in 1993 to complement inadequate labor forces, the inflow of immigrants into Korea has consistently increased, and in 2014, about 1.8 million foreigners were living here, making up about 3.5% of the total population in Korea. These immigrants have various social standings, including foreign workers, refugees, marriage migrants, the undocumented, and second generation migrants. This course will touch on two main issues: (1) "multicultural society" with different cultures coexisting in a certain country and (2) immigration policy. With regard to multicultural society, the following main points will be examined: what multiculturalism and multicultural society theoretically refers to; how multicultural society can be made and worked; what experiences Western societies have had with multiculturalism; what positive and negative impacts of multiculturalism are considered when it is applied. Next, this course also discusses how immigration policy can be designed, defined, and implemented among policymakers with what perspectives.
GSP5165 Innovation and Development 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 - No
This course covers theories and practices of innovation for national, social, and local development. As the knowledge-based society(including economy) is already around us, the public sector also needs to catch up with the rapid change of the private sector in the area of soft and hard-ware development. In particular, this course puts emphasis on innovation and relations among diverse actors including citizens, governments, and businesses. Dealing with innovation and development of technology, organization, and society allows students to broaden perspectives, challenges, and the role of policy and administration for the quality of life.
GSP5166 Public Policy: Theory and Practice 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 - No
This course provides an introduction to the political institutions and processes through which public policy is made and implemented in democratic political systems. The course also introduces students to the tools of policy analysis. It is designed to help you think creatively and critically about public policy issues and equip you with the necessary skills and insight to identify, address, and resolve public policy problems. The first half of the course presents models of policymaking and tools of policy analysis. The second half of the course applies these concepts to specific policy areas such as health care, environment, foreign affairs, and education, as illustrated by real-world case studies. The course emphasizes written and oral communication through the development of professional memo-writing and presentation skills.