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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
MCJ5128 Meta-Analysis 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 2-4 Media and Communication - No
Meta-analysis refers to the quantitative analysis of study outcomes. Meta-analysis consists of a collection of techniques that attempt to analyze and integrate effect sizes (indices of the association between an independent variable and a dependent variable) that accrue from research studies. This course deals with the process of performing meta-analysis and how to interpret analysis results. Students will have an opportunity to conduct meta-analysis on research topics of interest using meta-analysis software and to write a research paper based on the analysis results.
PSD2002 Comparative Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
This class starts with the methodological issue in comparative politics, i.e., we compare why, what, and how. The clas traces the question why some countries are economically developed while some others not, and why some countries go to democracy while some others experience dictatorial and authoritarian politics. Readings will include the literatures of modernization, dependency, corporatism,authoritarianism, liberalization, and democratization.
PSD2003 Theories of Foreign Policy 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Diplomacy is an important political instrument among nations in peace time, and a barometer to measure national capabilities. The purpose of this course is to study various theories and patterns of foreign policy. Also,students will study ideology and goals, strategy and tactics, behaviors of foreigng policy of major states in practice.
PSD2006 International Political Economy 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to study various theories and aproaches in international political economy, and to testeify their applicabilities to the real world. To do it, students will criticize the logic of realism, liberalism, and Marxism in international political economy.
PSD2007 Modern Political Ideologies 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
An examination of major 20th century political ideologies, giving special emphasis on their historical origins, evolutionary paths and influences on modern political process. Liberalism, Conservatism, Marxism, Facsism and some new important ideologies such as feminism and environmentalism are examined.
PSD2013 Study of Korea Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
In this course, students study Korean government and politics by emphasizing the confluence of historical legacies, institution and international environments. Topics include the nature of the traditional state, impact of colonialism, influences of U. S. A, and Japan, political culture, political parties and elections, congress and bureaucracy.
PSD2017 Political Science and Basic Statistics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course introduces concepts and skills for understanding and conducting quantitative research. Students will learn the elements of social scientific thinking – how to describe variables and measure complex concepts, how to create explanations, how to construct and test hypotheses, how to think analytically, and how to control for rival explanations of political phenomena. Students will learn SPSS, data analysis software.
PSD2020 International Law 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course addresses fundamental issues on international law, specially legal issues surrounding Korean Peninsula. For this purpose, Statehood and Rights and Duties of State in International Law, State Responsibility, Structure and Functions of International Organization, Protection of Human Rights etc. will be analyzed and studied. Furthermore, International Law issues regarding Korea such as Dokdo, Maritime jurisdiction, Environmental cooperation will be addressed as well.
PSD2021 Political Science 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
This introductory course aims to introduce basic concepts and theories of Political Science. Students are given opportunities to build a ground for more advanced studies of Political Science through investigating major issues of Korean Politics, Political Thought, Comparative Politics, and International Relations. The course also discusses how to apply various methodologies to each different issues of Political Science.
PSD2022 International Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
This introductory course on international relations examines major theories and key issues of international relations. Starting from grand paradigms such as realism, liberalism, constructivism, and Marxism, various international relations theories on specific subjects are introduced. Students will have chances to apply relevant theories to the reality of international relations across the issues of war and peace, nationalism, international order, ethics and norms, and diplomatic means, etc. Textbooks and reference materials will show how to combine historical, theoretical, and normative approaches in understanding international relations.
PSD2023 International Relations in East Asia 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
East Asia is under most dynamic transition in military, political, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. In Northeast Asia, major powers' interests intersect with Korean Peninsula. In Southeast Asia, changing relations among ASEAN countries are creating a new regional order. Examining the relevance of existing international relations theories to East Asia, the course analyzes international relations in East Asia and its future.
PSD2027 Major Issues in Global Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 - No
This seminar engages with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective. We will examine the most significant issues in global politics ⸺ including war, peacebuilding, terrorism, security, violence, nationalism, poverty, development, postcolonialism, human rights, gender, inequality, and ethnicity ⸺ and what we can do to change the world.
PSD2028 Asian Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
This course will explore post-colonial politics in Asia. Particular focus will be placed on the nation-building process, democratization, and economic development in the region. The course opens by critically approaching the concept of Asian values. We will entertain various approaches to the definition of Asia, ranging from geography, culture, demographics, and political economy. For the first third of the semester, we will survey the political terrain in three Northeast Asian countries Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Starting with the unprecedented economic growth in the region since the 1950s and extending to democratization in the 1980s, we will examine the relationship between political regimes and economic development, and the linkages between global and domestic politics. The second third of the semester will be devoted to understanding politics in Southeast Asia which will be illustrated through the examples of Singapore, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Different colonial and Cold War experiences have shaped the political and development trajectories of this region in ways that are distinct from Northeast Asia. Here, we will focus on the themes of illiberal democracy, ethnic inequality and political corruption. The final third of the course is led by student-led class discussions on the core themes in the field of political science that directly relate to the politics of Asian countries. Students are asked to consider the relationship between regime types and economic grow
PSD3003 Chinese Government and Politics 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
In this course we will try to analysis of the development of contemporary Chinese politics. We will discuss the relations between Chinese politics and government, politics and society, government and company, central government and local governments, one country two systems, political process, traditional heritage to help the students shaping the ideas on how does Chinese politics and governments run and what factors are shaping the future of Chinese politics by analyzing of Chinese social structure and changing of Chinese identity of political man. On the base of that, the course helps the students to surpass the western approaches to study Chinese politics and government in its own way and to grasp the real essence of Chinese politics.
PSD3005 History of Western Political Thought Ⅰ 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
An intensive survey of the development of political ideas from ancient Greece to the medieval period. Emphasis will be given to plato, Aristotle, Cicero, certain ideas of the old and New Testaments, St. Augustine, St.Thomas Aquinas, Luther and Calvin.