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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
GSP4002 Case Study for the Collaborative Governance 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration - No
This course aims to provide an opportunity to learn institutional diversity for solving new social problems and to critically explore its feasibility. We learn various theoretical lenses on the diversity of ‘wicked’ problems, governance, and collaborative governance. Based on this theoretical discussion, students have the opportunity to analyze the limitations of the current solution for social problems and present creative alternatives. It also offers students the chance to learn and practice research methods for governance, such as case studies, so that they can give presentations at academic conferences.
GSP4003 e-Government and Policy Development: A Case Study on the Local Development in Korea 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration - No
The purpose of the seminar is to examine the main economic, political, cultural, legal and technical forces generated by Information and Knowledge Revolution, for which new e-Policy must be developed. In this seminar, we will discuss the theoretical as well as strategic dimensions of knowledge-based society, Information Policy and its Strategic implications. Also This lecture concentrates on the local development cases(Saemaul Undong etc.) in Korea.
GSP4004 Information Policy and Policy Development: A Case Study on the Local Development in Korea 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration - No
This lecture concentrates on the rapid developments in the telecommunications and information fields that play a major role in shaping future political, economic and human dimensions in the 21st century. The purpose of the seminar is to examine the main economic, political, cultural, legal and technical forces generated by Information and Knowledge Revolution, for which new e-Governance must be developed. In this teaching, we will discuss the theoretical as well as strategic dimensions of knowledge-based society. And we will concentrates on the local development cases in Korea.
GSP4005 Regional Economy and Financial Management 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration - No
This course is intended to explore strategies and policies for regional development in the area of fiscal management and educate students to be a competent policy maker. Drawn from microeconomic perspectives on revenue and expenditure, we introduce relevent theories and analytic frameworks. The topics include Tiebout model, cost-effectiveness analysis, rent seeking, median voter model, economic development.
GSP4006 Sustainable Community Development 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Public Administration Korean Yes
This course aims to provide an understanding of methods to activate local communities in a sustainable manner. Students will discuss the concept of community and the significance of assets within the community. They will acquire knowledge of the sustainability of communities, the process of community development, and the roles of relevant organizations in community development. Additionally, students will engage in discussions about the impact and roles of essential human, social, physical, financial, environmental, political, and cultural capital in community development. They will explore various cases related to these community assets and strategies for activating sustainable local communities.
GSP7001 Development Assistance and Aid Governance 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor 1-4
Public Administration - No
This seminar course studies two major areas. First, we cover existing studies and researches on the complex nature of development/underdevelopment and the opportunities and limits of development assistance. Second, we will study the contemporary aid governance including issues such as how major donor countries and international organizations operate their development assistance and what rules and norms in development assistance are practised and being innovated.
ISS3234 Introduction to Social Problems 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-4 - No
This course discusses various social problems in society, examines factors associated with these problems, and explores possible solutions. The course are organized into three main parts: 1) understand social problems from multiple perspectives, 2) brainstorm possible solutions to address social problems, 3) explore possible ways to conduct a research project. In order to achieve these leaning objectives, the course will meet daily as a seminar, along with class activities in which each member will have opportunities for contributing to the purpose of each session through prepared, active participation.
PAD2001 Theories of Policy Sciences 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Theoretical approach to policy contents such as policies, policy outcomes, and policy processes, formulation, implementation and evaluation.
PAD2002 Personnel Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 - No
This course examines basic ideas, theories, systems and trends of manpower policy and/orpersonnel management of public officials. The course also includesefficiency andeffectiveness in the management of government bureaucracy.
PAD2003 Constitutional Law 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Overview of the structure and principles of Korean Constitutional Law. Examination of constitutional human rights and other fundamental legal systems.
PAD2004 Administration and Economy 1:Microeconomics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course emphasizes the nature of decision-making by consumers, firms, and governments, and the effect of these decisions on the allocation of resources - land, labor and capital. A central issue is to establish the meaning of "efficiency" in resource allocation, and to understand what is necessary if the resources in the economy are to be allocated efficiently. We will investigate the conditions under which a market economy is able to secure an efficient allocation of society’s resources, and explore how the public sector has an important role to play in a market economy like ours. The role of the public sector is of central concern if private markets fail. We will study the ways in which private market failure exists, and the possible response of government to this failure.
PAD2005 Administration and Economy 2:Macroeconomics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course is the study of entire economy in terms of the total amount of goods and services produced, total income earned, the level of employment of productive resources, and the general behavior of prices. Through the course, we will maintain the perspective of policy makers to analyze and figure out how to employ the macroeconomic policy tools wisely for the purpose of influencing nation-wide policy goals such as economic growth, price stability, full employment and the attainment of a sustainable balance of payments.
PAD2007 Public Financial Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Analysis of the fiscal role of government in a mixed economy, sources of public revenue and credit, administative, political and institutional aspects of the budget and the budgeting process and problems and trends in inter governmentl financial relations.
PAD2008 Local Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Discussion of basic ideas, theories, systems, and trends of local governmental policy and administration and evaluation of their welfare effects and administrative effectiveness at the local government level.
PAD2009 Urban Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
The lecture will discuss the structure, function, and process of urban administration, with special emphasis on the origin, content, and implementation process of urban politics. Special attention is given to those areas of location of public facility, urban structure, and urban information systems. The lecture also deals with the topics of housing, transportation, land use, environment, and citizen participation.