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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
SOC4012 Social Thoughts 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Sociology Korean Yes
This course focuses on the study of social thoughts which are closely related to Sociological Theory course. It consists of sociological thoughts before sociology, revisit of some classical sociologists, recent theoretical perspectives in sociology, and the introduction to history of Korean sociology.
SOC4013 Information Society and Cyber Society 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 - No
With the development of the Internet, mobile, artificial intelligence and hyper-connected technologies, human life is being reshaped in a new way that has never been experienced before. It is an important challenge for contemporary sociology to understand the total social change brought about by the great technological transition. This course aims to understand the transition process from the industrial society to the information society from a macroscopic perspective, and to explore the emergence of cyberspace and the operation of a new cyber society. To this end, this course is primarily based on the theoretical foundations of the sociology of technology and seeks to understand: 1) the social changes and implications of the emergence and diffusion of new information technologies; 2) the historical process of the development of the information society; and 3) the structure of cyber society, in which physical reality and virtual space operate closely intertwined. The course will focus on informatization as a social phenomenon, theories of informatization, restructuring of capitalism, cybercommunities, technological surveillance, mobilization, changes in laws and norms, hyperconnected societies, changes in knowledge, online culture, and issues of augmented and virtual reality.
SOC4013 Information Society and Cyber Society 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Sociology - No
With the development of the Internet, mobile, artificial intelligence and hyper-connected technologies, human life is being reshaped in a new way that has never been experienced before. It is an important challenge for contemporary sociology to understand the total social change brought about by the great technological transition. This course aims to understand the transition process from the industrial society to the information society from a macroscopic perspective, and to explore the emergence of cyberspace and the operation of a new cyber society. To this end, this course is primarily based on the theoretical foundations of the sociology of technology and seeks to understand: 1) the social changes and implications of the emergence and diffusion of new information technologies; 2) the historical process of the development of the information society; and 3) the structure of cyber society, in which physical reality and virtual space operate closely intertwined. The course will focus on informatization as a social phenomenon, theories of informatization, restructuring of capitalism, cybercommunities, technological surveillance, mobilization, changes in laws and norms, hyperconnected societies, changes in knowledge, online culture, and issues of augmented and virtual reality.
SOC5002 Classical Sociological Theory 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The main purpose of this course is to review classical sociological theories. Major theories to be covered in this course include Comte, Spencer, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Pareto and such structural-functional theorists as Parsons and Merton.
SOC5003 Contemporary Sociological Theories 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to present and discuss major contemporary sociological theories and theoretical orientations such as symbolic interactionism and dramaturgical approach, exchange theory, phenomenological orientations including ethnomethodology, critical theory, structural and post-structural theories, rational choice theory and other contemporary theoretical orientations.
SOC5004 Seminar in Sociological Theory 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course investigates the structure and development of sociological theorizing in the chosen theorists and/or theories. Ontological, epistemological and methodological issues will be explored in those selected theories.
SOC5005 Social Statistics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Despite some criticism, statistical methods are still extensively used by sociologists in their research, so that it is necessary for any sociology major to understand at least some basic concepts and principles of social statistics. This course is designed to serve that purpose.
SOC5006 Advanced Social Statistics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
The aim of this course is to provide students of sociology in the Ph.D. program advanced statistical tools that they will need in conductiong research as independent scholars. The lecture consists of three parts: ⑴ First, reviewing various multivariate and other statistical techniques using SPSS program, ⑵ Secondly, explaining theoretical basis of structural equation models which are the most representative causal analytic technique of today, and ⑶ finally applying the technique to a variety of data analyses using LISREL 8. Participating students are required to submit their own research papers using LISREL models before the end of the semester.
SOC5009 Seminar in Sociological Research Methods 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Sociological methodology is a sub-discipline of sociology in which the underlying rationale of applying any given methodological approach to the study of man's social life is brought into focus and critically appraised. Since the application of a method can only be justified in light of the essential nature of phenomena to which the method is applied, issues related to methods involve also theoretical issues concerning the essential nature of the phenomena in question. In this course, students are introduced to methodological disputes that have gone on among groups of scholars who have engaged in polemics centering upon such important methodological issues as applying scientific method in studying human phenomena, the essential nature of man and society, and value freedom or involvement of social scientists.
SOC5011 Seminar in Social Stratification 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
The aim of this seminar is to examine recent development of stratification research by focusing noticeable works such as Michael Hout, Following in Father's Footsteps: Social Mobility in Ireland (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989) Gerhard Arminger, Clifford C. Clogg and Michael E. Sobel (eds.), Handbook of Statistical Modeling for the Social and Behavioral Sciences (New York: Plenum, 1995). Participating students are required to submit their research papers before the end of the semester.
SOC5012 Seminar in Sociology of Organization 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Korean Yes
This is a seminar class about the specific subjects of various social organizations such as bureaucracy, firms, voluntary organizations. The subjects include, for example, the changes of organizational structure by the information technologies, the structure of NGO organizations, etc.
SOC5013 Seminar in Industrial Sociology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This is a seminar course about the specific issues of Industrial Sociology. The specific subjects include the issues of job shrink and high unemployment, environmental deterioration by industrialization, industrial accidents and job disease, etc.
SOC5015 Seminar in Economics Sociology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This is a seminar class about the influence of social structure on economic actions. The viewpoint is on the New Economic Sociology paradigm and the unit of analysis of the class includes individual actor's economic action, economic structure, and the economic institutions.
SOC5017 Seminar in Sociology of Labor 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
This course deals with major up-to-date theoretical discussions and empirical results concerned with Sociology of Labor in terms of intensive discussions and independent researches.
SOC5018 Work and Occupation 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 - No
Historical transition of work and occupations is introduced. Special attention on such issues as how the work is organized, how occupational segregation is related with social control, what are the subculture of each occpation, etc. Various kinds of rewards people get from work are reviewed while importance is also given to the negative asoect­social inequality­through work.