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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ART2053 Basic Drawing Practice 3 6 Major Bachelor 1 Fine Art Korean,English Yes
This is a basic course in pictorial expression, exploring ways to observe, interpret, and reproduce the objects. Students will learn the characteristics and uses of the materials used in drawing, as well as the fundamental grammar of composition, effective use of line, value, texture, and perspective.
ART2054 Advanced Drawing 3 6 Major Bachelor 1 Fine Art English Yes
Through artistic thinking and expanded drawing materials and forms, Advanced Drawing explore drawing as a deepened concept as a tool for each student's formative expression.
BUS2004 Marketing Strategy 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-4 Business Administration Korean Yes
The course is designed to provide a broad understanding of marketing strategy problems, analysis, decision-making, and evaluation. We will focus on - integration of concepts in this and previous marketing course - application to realistic situations - oral and written skills - quantitative analysis
CAL2080 Spatial Design Studio 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture - No
Landscape Architecture is concerned with aesthetic and functional elements of landscaping. This class is a basic course for students to be trained with enhancing spatial composition abilities, including 2D and 3D expression techniques, spatial scale, and media use techniques, for landscape design and intended for the student to be trained with the perception of landscapes. Through aesthetic consideration of the landscape, students acquire basic capabilities to understand the relationship between humans and the environment and reflect it in design.
CAL2081 Garden and Outdoor Space Design Studio 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture English Yes
Students understand the function and the meaning of the garden and practice the design process dealing with small spaces. Students also expand the scope of understanding through theoretical discussions and practice on the public garden, which has recently emerged. Through this process, students learn the components and methods of small spaces, which are the most implicit units of outdoor space in landscape design, and learn the composition of spaces, and expression and communication methods.
DES2001 Basic Design 1 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Korean Yes
Reorganizing important factors of objectives on a plane through improving the power of observation and training the ability of understanding structual characteristics of matherial.
DES2007 The Study of Color 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 English Yes
This is an essential study on principles of color by physical, psychological and artistic approch, for designers seeking a through grounding in the comprehension of solution of color problems, and for students interested in keeping abreast of industrial society.
DES2008 3-Demansional Forms 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Korean,English Yes
This course introduces students to the principles and techniques used in three-dimensional model and space including coordinated use of form and shape, color, texture.
DES2015 Photo Studio 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
Studing the basic theory of photography and to practice the black/white, figure and land scape photo.
DES2017 Theories of Design 2 4 Major Bachelor 2 Korean Yes
A theoretical study of various designs and its historical process. Study of practical application of design and its importance in modern society.
DES2020 Design Workshop 1 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Korean,English Yes
1.The study of the variety media in the field of Editorial Design. (Factors of Visual,Typography,Creative Idea,Expressional Techniques) 2.By analyzing and interpreting images according to terms currently in use, students acquire the skill to create and describe images adequate for surface design.
DES2021 Digital Design Studio 1 3 6 Major Bachelor 1 Korean,English Yes
Understand basic compurter system, pracitice 2-dimensional images and get familiar with softwares such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
DES2022 Digital Design Studio 2 3 6 Major Bachelor 1 Korean,English Yes
Understand basic compurter system, pracitice 2-dimensional images and get familiar with softwares such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
DES2025 The Theory of Design Marketing 2 4 Major Bachelor 2 Korean Yes
Understanding the marketing problems needed in the sail and promotion, to study of analisys identifying consumer needs, developing good products, pricing and promoting effectively.
DES2026 Photo & Communication 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 English Yes
On the basic technics of photography studying the commercial photo, commercial figure and special technics of photography.