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Studies of Art (Interdisciplinary)

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ART5004 Advanced Studies on History of Oriental Paintings 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts - No
This lesson theoretically consider the historical development of art style produced in China and Japan. By taking this procedure, the common characteristics and distinction of Korean Art comparing with those of China and Japan are clearly stressed.
ART5018 Special Lesson on the History of Korean ArtⅠ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts - No
This lesson considers the basic issues concerning Korean Art. The views raised by Foreign Scholars, for example, Yanaki muneyoshi. D. Seckel, E McCune, R. Gopper on Korean Art are intensively examined with those of Korean scholars as Yusop Ko, Soonwoo Choe, Wonyong Kim as well. By taking this procedure, substantial outline of Korean Art is more understood.
ART5019 Special Lesson on the History of Korean ArtⅡ 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts - No
"Buddistic Art" is one of main generes in Korean Art. This lesson is to sudy on concrete sculptures of the Three Kingdom Dynasty, the outstanding sculptures of Sukgoolam of Unified Silla Dynasty, Buddhistic sculpture and painting of the Koryo Dynasty and many murals and handscroll paintings of the Chosun Dynasty thrugh examining the iconography, theoretical background and prevalent thought of each period.
ART5021 Theory of Contemporary Art 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts Korean Yes
This coures studies various issues of Contemporary Art. The main subjects of this of this lesson are the origin of Contemporary Art, the historical development of concurrent movement. the influence of primitive and uncivillized art style on Contemporary Art and vision of the 21st Century Art are also understood.
ART5022 Modern Aesthetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts Korean Yes
This lesson examines the main trends of modern Aesthetics, including Aesthetics of B. croce and psychoanalytic approach of S. freud. Furthermore, this lesson discusses the further task of today's Aesthetics with focus on the crucial issues of coexistence with the "Kunstwissenschaft".
ART5023 Theory of Contemporary Painting 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts - No
This lecture deals with various movements of our century - DaDa and Surrealism, Action Painting, Abstract Expressionism, Op Art and Pop Art - eapecially focusing on the confrontation of Modernism and Post-Modernism in Contemporary Art.
ART5026 Special Lecture on History of Western Painting 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts - No
This lesson theoretically considers prevalent art style and "Kunstgeist" of relevant period. Each semester selects several subjects from one or two periods. The subjects include Primitive Art, Greek and Roman Art, Art of Middle Age, Renaissance and Baroque Art, Rococo Art, 19th Century and 20th century Art.
ART5028 Seminar on Art History 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Fine Arts Korean Yes
This lesson considers the basic theory of "Art History" under several topics. Main subjects are the origin of various arts, social function of plastic arts, Cultural History. The relation between Art criticism and Aesthetics, and the relation among artists, patrons and art historians are comprehensively studied.
ART5029 Art and Visual Culture 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-2 Fine Arts Korean Yes
This class aims to explore the relationship between art art and visual culture from a historical and theoretical perspective. Students will be able to expand the boundary of art research and to develop their own research methodology by reading and understanding the texts on art and visual culture.
CEK5012 Comparative Studies in Confucian Philosophy Among Korea, China and Japan 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course purports to analyse the use of important concepts of pre-Qin Confucianism in Neo-Confucianism of three different traditions; China, Korea and Japan. Reading some important works of major philosophers of the three countries, students compare different traditions and discuss about their differences and similarities.
CEK5013 Studies in the History of Interaction Among Korea, China and Japan of Confucianism 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course is designed to present the courses of how Confucianism founded by Confucius was transmitted to Korea and Japan and to discuss the distinguishable characteristics of different developments of the three countries and mutual exchanges of ideas among them.
CEK5025 Studies in the Thought of Confucian Aesthetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
This course offers selective reading of aesthetical writings taken from the Confucian classics. Students are advised to attempt a philosophical interpretation of Confucian aesthetics. In addition to this, this course includes some sessions for visual experience of paintings and calligraphies.
CEK5026 Studies in Thought of Korean Aesthetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course is a rare opportunity for those interested in Korean studies in the respect that there are seldom discussions about the Korean aesthetics. Through this course, students are expected to understand the Korean tradition of aesthetics is based on the harmony with the nature. This course particularly sheds lights on the naturalism and the humanism embedded in the artistic activities of Korea.
CEK5028 Comparative Reserch on East and West Aesthetics 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
By comparing and analyzing aesthetics of East and West, we widen our understanding of East Asian Thought.
CEK5033 Studies in History of Connection of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This class will study how Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism have been linked, coexisted and feuded in the context of philosophy and history. Linked to this matter, historical experience of East Asian three countries and religious pluralism in modern society will be studied and discussed.