For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog
Code | Course Title | Credit | Learning Time | Division | Degree | Grade | Note | Language | Availability |
BIZ2023 | Commercial Law 1 | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | SKK Business School | Korean | Yes | |
Commercial Law 1 covers a Business corporation law. Topics to be covered in this course are various types of business organization, corporate power and entity, formation of a corporation, share and stockholders, management and supervision, corporate finance, fundamental changes such as charter amendment and merger, split, dissolution and liquidation. | |||||||||
BIZ2024 | Commercial Law 2 | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | SKK Business School | Korean | Yes | |
Commercial Law 2 covers General Principles of Commercial Law and Typical Types of Commercial Activities. Survey on the general provisions of the Commercial Code includes the definition and capacity of a merchant, commercial registry, trade name. Typical types of commercial activities include agent, brokerage, commission agency, forwarding agency, inland carriage, and warehousing. Review of laws on the commercial papers such as promissory notes, bills of exchange, which are governed by separate statutes. | |||||||||
BUS2001 | Introduction to Management | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 1-4 | Business Administration | Korean | Yes |
From the perspective of management, students learn theories and methods necessary for managing businesses and operating companies. Specifically, students learn about the major roles and activities of managers responsible for corporate performance, the internal and external management environments that managers need to oversee within the organization, the process of setting goals for the company and formulating and executing strategies to achieve those goals, as well as methods for making rational decisions. Additionally, methods for building and strengthening organizational culture, adapting and innovating the organization according to changes in the management environment, advantages and disadvantages of various organizational structures and types, managing people as the core assets of the organization, individual characteristics and diversity necessary for this, and motivational methods corresponding to these are examined. Finally, effective methods for forming and operating groups and teams, and understanding the leadership qualities that managers need to possess are explored. | |||||||||
BUS2027 | Introduction to Taxation | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 1-4 | Business Administration | Korean | Yes |
This course deals with the basic taxation structures. Main topics are National Basic Taxation Law, National Tax Collection Law, Value-added Tax Law, and Corporate Tax Law. | |||||||||
CHS7004 | Thesis writing in humanities and social sciences using Python | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor/Master/Doctor | Challenge Semester | - | No | |
This course is to write a thesis in humanities and social science field using Python. This course is for writing thesis using big data for research in the humanities and social sciences. Basically, students will learn how to write a thesis, and implement a program in Python as a research methodology for thesis. Students will learn how to write thesis using Python, which is the most suitable for processing humanities and social science related materials among programming languages and has excellent data visualization. Basic research methodology for thesis writing will be covered first as theoretical lectures. Methodology for selection of topics will be discussed also. Once a topic is selected, a lecture on how to organize related research will be conducted. In the next step, students learn how to write necessary content according to the research methodology. Then how to suggest further discussion along with how to organize bibliography to complete a theoretical approach. The basic Python grammar is covered for data analysis using Python, and the process for input data processing is conducted. After learning how to install and use the required Python package in each research field, the actual data processing will be practiced. To prepare for the joint research, learn how to use the jupyter notebook as the basic environment. Learn how to use matplolib for data visualization and how to use pandas for big data processing. | |||||||||
COV3028 | Practical Patent Law for Inventors | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | SKKU Institute for Convergence | - | No | |
Under conventional education system, a class which teaches capability to do creative invention is divided from a class which teaches capability to help inventors to protect inventions as patents. This class, as commingling such two classes, trains inventors who can exploit their inventions, based on: on the whole process of invention, always the perspective of patent protection must be applied; patent-based perspective can enable inventors make better inventions; a good invention without being a strong patent cannot be commercially successful, etc. Specifically, being taught are: prior art search for establishing direction of R&D; evaluation of patentability of an invention; his invention’s infringement of another’s patent right, agreement of a license contract, etc. In addition, this class enables such students who are preparing the “Patent Attorney” examination to grasp basic concepts of the patent law. | |||||||||
ECO2001 | Principles of Economics Ⅰ | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2-3 | Economics | Korean,English,Korean | Yes |
Introductory course for freshmen majoring in economics is designed to provide a general orientation regarding the nature of economic science and basic theories of economics. Topics include basic concepts of economics, determination of priceby supply and demand, princing of output and productive factors, general equilibrium, income destribution, and other aspects of economics. Principles of economics I analyze the optimization behavior of each agent. | |||||||||
ECO2002 | Principles of Economics Ⅱ | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2-3 | Economics | Korean,Korean | Yes |
Introductory course for freshmen majoring in economics is designed to provide a general orientation regarding the nature of economic science and basic theories of economics. Topics include basic concepts of national income, determination ofnational income, employment, interest rate, inflation, wage and price, and econ-omic growth & business cycle. | |||||||||
ECO2003 | Microeconomics | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2-3 | Economics | Korean,English,Korean | Yes |
A detailed examination of micro aspects of economic theory at the intermediate level. Topics discussed are theories of consumer behavior and demand, productionand cost, organization of the firm and the market, distribution of factor income, general equilibrium, economic welfare and other current microeconomic issues. | |||||||||
ECO2004 | Macroeconomics | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2-3 | Economics | Korean,English,Korean | Yes |
Study and analysis of macroeconomic theory and policy at the intermediate level.Topics include national income and employment determination, analysis of aggregate demand and supply, the general equilibrium of national economy, monetary and fiscal policy, new keynesian economics, new classical economics, and related issues of economic growth and fluctuations. In addition, explore open economy of macroeconomic analysis, focusing on exchange rate, balance of payment and foreign exchange market. | |||||||||
ECO3018 | International Trade Negotiations | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 3-4 | Economics | Korean | Yes |
Studies on the existing international trade order, code, rules, and practices agreed upon under the system of the World Trade Organization, and on the new world trade issues in terms of establishment of agenda, organization and procedures of negotiations, and final agreements. Also, the past Korean international trade policies and commercial negotiation techniques will be evaluated, and new approaches to them will be discussed. | |||||||||
ECO3029 | Law and Economics | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2-4 | Economics | Korean | Yes |
The field of law and economics can be shortly summarized as a systematic inquiry about three elements: law, ordinary people, and the market outcome. Specifically, the field of law and economics recognizes as the 'ordinary (rational) people all the market participants including law makers and law enforcers. Only under these presumptions, one can most precisely predict the economic effects of any law or a piece of legislation. Therefore, law and economics, among many other fields in economics, is one of the fields most seriously devoted to accurately explaining the reality as it is. This course starts with the so-called 'Coase Theorem', which is a critical proposition generally evaluated to have triggered this whole field by numerous scholars. After probing into the Coase Theorem sufficiently, the students are supposed to start investigating various economic effects of some major substantive laws, including their other properties such as fairness, justice, or equality. The major substantive laws consist of property law, accident law, contract law, and the constitution. We firstly examine the basic structures of these laws, and subsequently go through the economic properties of main doctrines within such substantive laws. Furthermore, the class also emphasizes how these doctrines are (and were) actually implemented and enforced by the ordinary people in the real world. | |||||||||
GLD2001 | Linguistic Analysis | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2 | Public Affairs | Korean | Yes |
본 교과목은 행정고시 PSAT시험의 언어논리와 법학적성시험(LEET)의 언어이해와 시험을 대비한 교과목이다. 이를 위해서 본 과목은 글의 이해, 추론, 비판과 논리적 사고 등의 능력 배양을 목적으로 한다. 본 과목에서는 언어의 논리분석과 비판적 이해를 위해서 명제, 논증, 연역추론, 타당한 논증의 형식, 귀납추론, 주장강화, 직접논박, 간접논박, 전제, 가정, 과학적 탐구방법, 오류, 논증도 작성, 문단배열, 글의 구조파악, 글의 이해, 삽입, 전 단락, 후속 단락, 유추, 기타 추론, 견해의 차이 등에 대한 내용을 주로 학습힌다. 수업의 진행은 강의와 기출문제 풀이의 형식으로 진행될 예정이다. | |||||||||
GLD2002 | Logic of Situation and Reasoning | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 2 | Public Affairs | Korean | Yes |
본 교과목은 행정고시 PSAT시험의 상황판단 영역과 법학적성시험(LEET)의 추리논증 시험을 대비한 교과목이다. 이를 위해서 본강의는 상황이해, 추론과 분석, 판단과 의사결정 등의 능력 검증을 위한 능력 배양을 주 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해서 본 과목에서는 전략적 사고영역 (퍼즐식 연역추리, 순서/자리 배열, 문제해결력, 의사결정론, 게임이론)과 합리적 판단 (창의적 통찰, 언어의 명료성, 개론서 인용추론, 견해의 차이, 반론) 그리고 정책문제의 분석 등에 대해 학습할 것이다. 수업의 진행은 강의와 기출문제 풀이의 형식으로 진행될 예정이다. | |||||||||
GLD3024 | Economic Case Analysis | 3 | 6 | Major | Bachelor | 3-4 | Public Affairs | Korean | Yes |
This course focuses on analyzing various economic cases in terms of microeconomics and macroeconomics and practicing how to describe them in practice. In the case of microeconomics, the understanding is maximized by analyzing the derivation of the optimal choice of individuals and companies through concrete cases and describing them in practice. In terms of macroeconomics, it analyzes the situation facing the national economy and its causes, and predicts the optimal policy response and combination for this. In addition, the factors of the success and failure of the policy are additionally analyzed by assuming the situation in which the effect of the policy occurs as expected and the case where it is not. Above all, by practicing the method of analyzing and describing economic conditions in a given and limited time and situation, you will develop active and timely response skills as an expert afterwards. |