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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
PAD3018 Civil Society and Governance 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
This course studies increasing roles of civil society in democratic governance. It reviews changes in government and civil society under pressures civil society demands of globalization and participatory democracy. The role of NGO?NPO in local, national, and global governance will be focused to understand new governance.
PAD3019 Understanding Governance 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
This course is designed to help students understand; (i) the concept of 'governance'; (ii) the characteristics of old governance, good governance, new governance and network governance; and (iii) new roles of government, market and civil society required by the new governance paradigm. This course is also expected to provide students with the opportunity to improve their capability required by new governance paradigm.
PAD3020 Policy Implementation 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
A policy implementation studies has the shorter history than a policy making studies. Most people think a policy implementation carries out mechanically. But a policy implementation occupies extensive part of public administration in reality and unexpected situations make the its direction wrong. Therefore a policy implementation studies is very important. The lecture of a policy implementation seeks for below. - It is necessary that practical experiences and studies of policy implementation are reflected policy making. - It is necessary to understand policy implementation's participants - We will investigate various tendencies of theory and case studies to extend our knowledge of policy implementation
PAD3022 Regulatory Policy 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Regulation is an important and pervasive force in everyday people life. Government regulation affects nearly every aspect of modern society. This course will examine the many aspects of regulatory policy and administration. We will look at, among other things, the history of regulation, theory of regulation and its reform, economic and political concepts of regulation, approaches to regulatory decisionmaking, legal and institutional aspects of administering regulations, and the impacts of regulatory agencies and programs. This course will examine the OECD countries’s regulatory reform trends and new reform policy tool and institutions.
PAD3024 Environmental Governance and Environmental Policy 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
Thepurposeofthiscourseistointroducevariouspolicyissuesregardingnaturalresourcesandenvironment.Thiscoursewillhelpstudentstounderstandthepublicpolicyprocessinnaturalresourcesandenvironmentalareas,includingpolicyagendasetting,policymaking,policyimplementation,policyevaluation,andpolicyanalysis. Thiscoursecoversvariouslocal,regional,transnational,andglobalissuesrelatedtonaturalresourcesandenvironment.Theyincludeglobalclimatechange,bio-diversitydestruction,waterpollution,wastewatertreatment,airpollution,industrialwastes,garbage,solidwaste. Inthiscourse,wewilldiscussaboutthedevelopmentofnaturalresourcesandenvironmentalpolicyinKorea,andtheincreasingimportanceofenvironmentalismintheglobalcontext.Wewillalsolearnenvironmentalimpactassessmentandvariousmethodssuchascost-benefitanalysis,riskanalysis,feasibilityanalysis,hedonicpricemethods,andtravelcostmethods.
PAD3026 Workshop in Public Administration 1 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
This course deals with major theoretical and practical issues in public administration that a teacher and students bring to class. It also critically reviews current trends of academic research in the field and advises students to develop their research topics. Especially, it is recommended for the students who prepares for the civil service examination.
PAD3029 Global Public Management 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
This class will give important insights and practical tools in understanding organizational trends, realities, and tenets distinct in the public sector. Today's public organizations around the globe are adopting various organizational management mechanisms dramatically different from those a decade ago—that is, it require much more creative actions, intelligent judgment, and effective decision-making. Based on broad theoretical and practical issues, this class is designed to impart profound and comprehensive lessons on public organizational management. This class adopted "a framework for organizational analysis" (Rainey, 2009, p. 19-23) and framed the topics into 8 sections and 8 key themes, which includes 1) Auspices: Public, Nonpublic, and so on; 2) Environments; 3) Leadership; 4) Culture; 5) Structures; 6) Processes; 7) People; and 8) Organizational Performance and Effectiveness. With an emphasis on the implication of various issues at the “micro”(i.e.,internal issues) and “macro”(i.e., external issues concerning relations and strategy) levels in an organization, this class provides a lot of opportunities with students to share a variety of practical and diverse ideas on important aspects of effective management in public organizations. Specifically, we anticipate that the instructor will introduce various types of cases and discussion questions pertaining to the issues of public organization and management, such as virtual/role play & simulation cases,PBL cases.
PAD3030 Urban and Regional Planning 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
This course is intended as an introduction to the fundamental concepts, theories, and issues of urban planning. The course addresses a variety of topics including history of planning, comprehensive planning, various planning tools, and social and political aspects of planning. All major planning sub-fields will be covered, including land use planning, urban design, housing and community development, transportation planning, economic development, growth management, and environmental planning. The format of the classes will be both lecture and active discussion.
PAD3032 Disaster Management 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 English Yes
As the frequency and intensity of disasters increases around the world, there has been a strong effort to emphasize disaster risk reduction as the primary focus of disaster management. This course will introduce the types and classifications of disasters, the disaster management cycle, and public administration's role in making society more safe. There will be study of both international and Korean disaster management organizations, current research findings in effective disaster management, and case studies.
PAD3033 Behavioral Public Administration 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
Behavioral Public Administration is contributing increasingly relevant insights for more effective public policy since the turn of the century. The recent awarding of the Nobel Prize for Economics Science to Richard Thaler for his work on the psychological influences on economic behavior confirms that this nascent field is worthy of study for students of governance. Special issues of major public administration journals and a steady stream of articles confirm that the subject – heretofore deemed “Behavioral Public Administration” – is relevant to today’s curriculum. While behavioral public administration has been developing its research agenda in (primarily) European and American institutions, it is beginning to spread around the globe. This course will introduce the foundations of behavioral public administration, starting with the insights of Herbert Simon. The major findings of behavioral economics, important experiments, empirically verified concepts, and applications for public policy will be reviewed. Students will have active discussion and research tasks to internalize the lessons for their respective academic tracks. The expectation is that students will be able to identify opportunities to apply behavioral public administration for policies in their own area of interest and demonstrate that learning in a comprehensive concept report assignment.
PAD3036 Housing and Community Development 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
Housing and community development is a major urban policy area and where social value is achieved. This class aims to explore and understand how to develop sustainable cities and promote livability by discussing theories in housing and community development and making linkages with practical cases. The class will discuss the importance of housing in urban policy, housing market, residential environment for quality of life, and housing welfare policy. In addition, the class will discuss community development strategies for social integration and place making.
PAD3037 Social justice and the city 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
This course aims to offer a better understanding of social justice and inequality in relation to urban problems. In addition to identifying policies and planning practices contributing to growing urban inequalities, this course will discuss the potential policy solutions that address such inequalities.
PAD3038 Digital Government and Information Systems 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 English Yes
This course aims to theoretically discuss the technology-driven change in public management, citizen-government relationships, and governance. A variety of practices using new technologies and applications including Internet of Things, cloud, big data, and artificial intelligence are explored.
PAD3039 Evidence Based Policy Design 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 - No
The purpose of this course is to help students apply the evidence based techniques and knowledge to the conscious invention and design of innovative policy actions in problem resolution. The course focuses on a critical thinking and desgin thinking methods and how to run and use techiniques for evidence based policy outcome. We also do the careful clarification of values, a search for the problem definition relevant to a specific context, a rational design of creative actions in pursuit of values, and a special emphasis on participatory policy design supporting democratic values.
PAD3040 Public Sector Leadership Theory & Development 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 - No
This course reviews theories of leadership, including trait theory, behavioral theory, and situational theory, as well as describes various types of modern leadership frameworks. We expect that students learn how to influence people to achieve their organizational goals. Not only learning leadership theories, but also students are supposed to develop leadership capacities & skills based on the diagnosis of their leadership styles.