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Course & Curriculum

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
KID5176 C.S.Lewis‘s Fantasy and Christian Worldview 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) is a British English scholar and writer of the "The chronicles of Narnia". This fantasy, composed of seven volumes, has been well recognized for its literary and educational value to children in English-speaking countries and was also made into films. This lecture aims to appreciate these works and to understand the relationship between the artist and his worldview by studying how his Christian worldview is reflected in them.
KID5178 Sustainable Development Goals Seminar 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
Comprehensive preparations and solutions are needed to deal with emerging issues of social unrest, such as global warming, cyber-terrorism. This class will cover various measures to create a more sustainable society for the future, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the basis for exploring relevant topics.
KID5183 Understanding children with disabilities 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to understand children with disabilities including the definition, characteristics, diagnosis, and educational/psychological support services. In addition, this class aims to familiarize one with the importance of family support services and collaboration with the community. Ethical and child rights-based support will be highlighted throughout the course.
KID5184 Play therapy observation and practicum 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This class deals with observation and practicum on play therapy and intervention for developmental rehabilitation. Students would observe interactive and play behaviors of children and parents in schools, hospital, and various intervention settings.
KID5186 Picture Book and Literacy Education Seminar 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
Picture books, which have a multi-media characteristics that combines text and pictures, are recognized as materials for visual literacy education as well as language education for children. In this lecture, students learn how picture books read by older children from infant picture books can contribute to literacy education through theory and field studies, and propose a picture book literacy education program for specific readers.
KID5187 Picturebooks and Modern Society 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
As the audience diversifies and society changes rapidly, recent picture books deal with issues that were not seen in the previous era. For example, death, aging, sex, homeless, war, refugees, family breakup, etc. This lecture explores how to teach and guide contemporary social issues through picture books at home or school.
KID5188 Seminar of Media Literacy Education 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
In the modern world, media literacy education is becoming one of the essential curriculums to foster free democratic citizens along with literacy education. In this class, students study domestic and foreign materials related to the development process of the media literacy education program, and develop a media literacy education program that can be carried out at home and at school.
KID5189 Reader Study of Children’s Picturebooks 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
The reader's text interpretation is influenced by various variables such as age, literary environment, life experience, reading experience, etc. However, reading a picture book that communicates with a combination of text and picture images requires reading both symbols at the same time, so the process is more complicated. This lecture studies how children aged 0 to 9, the main readers of picture books, interpret picture books.
KID5190 Seminar of Picturebook Writers and Illustrator Study 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
As picture books are recognized as unique art genres, artists from various backgrounds are participating in the creation of picture books. The language of their works, aimed at not only children but also adult readers, is very complex and is often studied with an aesthetic approach. However, in addition to text analysis, this lecture aims to help interpret the work by studying the background, worldview, and creative process of the writers and illustrators.
KID5191 Children’s play and education 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
Based on the theory and recent research on play, this course explores play development and play type by age, factors that influence play, play environment, and domestic and foreign play policies. Based on the empirical evidence of the relationship between play and children's learning and school adjustment, we identify principles that can be applied to the educational field, and develop the necessary competencies as experts.
KID5192 Young children’s learning: Theory and Practice 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
This course examines the principles and theories of learning development of infants and young children, analyzes factors affecting their attitudes and motivations toward learning, and discusses effective learning methods and the role of educational experts taking into account the changed environmental factors of infants and young children.
KID5194 Family Multiple Gap and Child 3 6 Major Master/Doctor - No
이 수업은 소득, 교육, 문화적 배경에 따른 가족의 격차와 이러한 격차가 아동의 발달에 미치는 영향을 다룬다. 다문화와 저소득 문제를 중심으로 전생애 발달의 변화를 다룬다.
KID5195 Children’s learning and thinking 3 9 Major Master/Doctor - No
This course covers the analysis of theories, research methods, and major findings of children's higher-order cognition, including origins of knowledge, development of problem-solving skills, reasoning strategies, and scientific concepts, with an emphasis on the underlying mechanism involved in children's thinking and learning processes.
KID5196 Technology and early childhood development and education 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Korean Yes
This course examines the use and design of various educational technologies (computer software, online learning, multimedia, TV, application, artificial intelligence, etc) from the perspective of basic research and theory in human cognitive and social development and education and provides a framework for the most developmentally appropriate uses of technology for young children.
KID5197 Young children observation and evaluation 3 9 Major Master/Doctor - No
This course will enable to students understand why we observe and assess children’s learning, what we can observe and assess, different techniques for observing and assessing children’s learning and development, and assessment requirements in the early year’s foundation stage.